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CR|PT|C Agora is a triennial event hosted by researchers at the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism at Carleton University. Each symposium brings the focus on different themes while addressing questions about the history and theory of architecture in relation to practice. The symposia invite contributions from a multiplicity of fields to consider and discuss the nature of architecture today and the impact it makes on the world. Starting from the Doctoral Program’s intention to fuse research with critical practice in architecture, each event invites contributions by written and/or creative work, expanding the dialogue between both mediums and allowing for further speculation on the relationship between the two.


Parts of the works presented in CR|PT|C Agora are disseminated to a wider audience through the Sollertia Book series, a triennial peer-reviewed academic publication.

September 24-25,  2021


Room 306 | 202 Architecture Building
Carleton University
1125 Colonel by Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6




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