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October 17 2022              [1 h + 44 min]


Dr. Eunice Seng

Chair, Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee in Architecture, Associate Professor

PhD program, Faculty of Architecture

University of Hong Kong HKU


Interviewers in order of participation:


Federica Goffi CRIPTIC Chair, PhD & MAS Program Co-Chair ASAU, CU

&michelle liu PhD Student ASAU, CU

Adila Mehjebin PhD Student ASAU, CU

Ushma Thakrar, PhD Student ASAU, CU

Sena Kurcenli Koyunlu, PhD Student ASAU, CU



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In –InterVIEW/LISTEN 9–Dr. Eunice Seng discussed her role as Chair of the Departmental Research Postgraduate Committee in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in Hong Kong and some key initiatives she has implemented in the program since starting in this role. She was invited to comment on the history, recent developments and uniqueness of the PhD Program in Architecture at HKU. Dr. Seng discussed the relevance and currency of criticism today, the methodological approaches and some of the research outcomes in the PhD program at HKU as well as the limitations and opportunities encountered when working at a distance from a research site.


In the second part of the interview, Dr. Seng offered insights into her research work, addressing questions about her recent publications and, in particular, her book Resistant City: Histories, Maps and the Architecture of Development, published in 2020 by World Scientific Publishing Co. The book maps contested spaces in Hong Kong through field observations, analytical drawings, archival research and film studies. She also discussed her work with SKEW collaborative and how she operates between practice, research and teaching.

She addresses questions about the role of public space in Hong Kong as a contested, uneven space reclaimed in everyday activities and commented that the boundary between public and private space is constantly re-negotiated. Finally, she provided insights into her ongoing research and forthcoming publications.


Room 306 | 202 Architecture Building
Carleton University
1125 Colonel by Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6




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