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March 25 2021              [1 h + 26 min]


Dr. Felix Solaguren

Dean of the Barcelona School of Architecture 

ETSAB / UPC Barcelona Tech, Spain

& Dr. Pedro Azara

Head of Department of Theory and History of Architecture

ETSAB / UPC Barcelona Tech, Spain


Interviewers in order of participation:


Federica Goffi CRIPTIC Chair, PhD & MAS Program Co-Chair ASAU, CU

& Kristin Washco PhD Student ASAU, CU, 

Reem Awad PhD Student ASAU, CU

Marco Ianni PhD Student ASAU, CU



In –InterVIEW/LISTEN 7–Dr. Felix Solaguren (Dean of the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB)) and Dr. Pedro Azara, respectively (Head of the Department of Theory and History of Architecture) were invited to discuss the relationship between doctoral programs and professional practice in Spain. They offered insights into the history of the PhD program at ETSAB and its seven research tracks, contextualizing them within the context of PhD programs in Europe and the world. They were invited to discuss the research methods and approaches as well as the mediums of research employed by PhD students in the History and Theory of Architecture program at ETSAB.


In the second part of the interview, Dr. Solaguren and Dr. Azara offered insights into their respective research work addressing the relations between practice and academic work. The questions addressed the role of theory in practice and the practice in theory, and the overlap of the social sciences, particularly geography, climate, and nature with architecture research, questioning the responsibilities of researchers and practitioners to engage with ethical concerns and the architect’s role in addressing sustainability.

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